Survival Guide for Parents of Picky Eaters

Survival Guide for Parents of Picky Eaters

If you’re reading this post I’m guessing you’re frustrated or worried about your child’s picky eating habits.  Maybe they used to love their peas and carrots, but now they’re turning up their nose!  What happened to the good eater you could brag about?   This happened to me with my first and most picky child.  I…

Spreading the Word that Acupuncture Can Help Kids, Too! Robin’s Video Interview

Spreading the Word that Acupuncture Can Help Kids, Too!  Robin’s Video Interview

In the last 20 years there’s been a significant increase in the number of children that are sick with chronic illnesses.  Conditions such as asthma, allergies, obesity, autism and ADD/ADHD are increasing at an alarming rate. This surge in chronic illness is leading many parents to look for safe, natural and effective health care solutions…

“Flu Proof” Your Kid: 5 Ways to Do It Naturally

“Flu Proof” Your Kid: 5 Ways to Do It Naturally

With all the media coverage exploding over the flu epidemic that’s sweeping the nation, it got me asking “What can we do to “flu proof” our kids?”  It’s impossible to keep our kids away from germs.  Look away for two seconds and they’re putting their fingers in their mouth, sucking the handle of the shopping…