Survival Guide for Parents of Picky Eaters

Survival Guide for Parents of Picky Eaters

If you’re reading this post I’m guessing you’re frustrated or worried about your child’s picky eating habits.  Maybe they used to love their peas and carrots, but now they’re turning up their nose!  What happened to the good eater you could brag about?   This happened to me with my first and most picky child.  I…

Why is My Kid So Cranky?

I’m sure there have been times when you’ve asked yourself, “why is my kid so cranky?”  Then if your not completely exhausted from dealing with your cranky kid, you go down the checklist of possibilities: Is he hungry? Did he get a good night sleep? Does he need a nap? Did he have anything sugary…

Healthy Lunch Box Ideas

Are your kids fussy about food like mine?  Both my husband and I are foodies now, however, as kids we were both extremely picky.  My mother-in-law told me that my husband subsisted on peanut butter sandwiches for most of elementary school, and I fed my peas and other vegetables to the dog under the table….

Kids Can Use Nasal Rinsing to Reduce Allergies, Asthma, Congestion and Nosebleeds

Kids Can Use Nasal Rinsing to Reduce Allergies, Asthma, Congestion and Nosebleeds

If your child has a runny nose or nasal congestion, doing a daily saline sinus rinse can help tremendously!   With the right nasal rinsing products, even children as young as two can do sinuses rinses. Allergies, head colds, sinus infections, and exposure to pollution or irritants  can create havoc in your child’s sinus cavity,…

Friday Fun – Popular “Pins” of the week!

Here’s a list of my favorite “Pins” of the week. In honor of National Pizza week, enjoy these many options of making a pizza! Gluten Free Pizza recipe Gluten Free Pizza Muffins Gluten Free Pizza Grilled Cheese Sandwich Gluten Free Pizza Rolls Gluten Free Fruit Pizza What “Pins” have you been gathering for your pizza recipes?…